And now… wait, pray and wonder
My little booklings are finding their ways to their new mamas and papas! And it is a bit unnerving! As Restore My Soul journeys out
My little booklings are finding their ways to their new mamas and papas! And it is a bit unnerving! As Restore My Soul journeys out
It’s funny to contemplate that tomorrow is the day my book can be actually purchased. It’s also election day, making it a day that
You’re very “on-trend” if you’re talking about self-care these days. Trouble is, I’m finding that most people are approaching self-care in a way that doesn’t
My son looks over my shoulder. I’m looking at my computer, at the recipe we’re hoping to try that night. “Mom, how can you stand
Know what I love about Jesus? He was a really emotionally healthy individual. In the gospels, Jesus never: Has to apologize for an unintended outburst
A lot of people have asked me this question and truly, there is some kind of crazy in embarking on an endeavor like writing a
“Hold on Janice, I think a truck just drove by.” “Um…that was my stomach growling” Justin, the sound technician who worked with me on
I’m on a cross-country flight for my godson’s wedding. It will be the first time seeing him since his father, my dear friend, died of
Last Friday we got the word from our landlord that our office needed to be temporarily relocated. And we had 9 days to get it
Did you see the two-time heartbreak of Mikaela Shiffrin in the Olympics this week? She fell in one ski event, regrouped, then missed a gate
So… we are experiencing a wild ride here 15 days
Some questions to guide the process by Janice McWilliams
More than a few of my clients have plopped down
My little booklings are finding their ways to their new mamas and papas! And it is a bit unnerving! As Restore My Soul journeys out
It’s funny to contemplate that tomorrow is the day my book can be actually purchased. It’s also election day, making it a day that
You’re very “on-trend” if you’re talking about self-care these days. Trouble is, I’m finding that most people are approaching self-care in a way that doesn’t
My son looks over my shoulder. I’m looking at my computer, at the recipe we’re hoping to try that night. “Mom, how can you stand
Know what I love about Jesus? He was a really emotionally healthy individual. In the gospels, Jesus never: Has to apologize for an unintended outburst
A lot of people have asked me this question and truly, there is some kind of crazy in embarking on an endeavor like writing a
“Hold on Janice, I think a truck just drove by.” “Um…that was my stomach growling” Justin, the sound technician who worked with me on
I’m on a cross-country flight for my godson’s wedding. It will be the first time seeing him since his father, my dear friend, died of
Last Friday we got the word from our landlord that our office needed to be temporarily relocated. And we had 9 days to get it
Did you see the two-time heartbreak of Mikaela Shiffrin in the Olympics this week? She fell in one ski event, regrouped, then missed a gate
So… we are experiencing a wild ride here 15 days
Some questions to guide the process by Janice McWilliams
More than a few of my clients have plopped down
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