Restore My Soul

Feeling overwhelmed, tired, and stressed should NOT be the new normal!

You can feel MUCH better with small, focused interventions.

Restore My Soul will show you how.

Help is here.

If you’ve been practicing self-care but it’s not working…

If your days off don’t make a dent in your deep feeling of overwhelm…

If you feel you’re teetering on the brink of burn-out…

If the important pieces of your life are in place, but you can’t seem to enjoy them….

If you feel that you’re on a treadmill that runs longer and faster every day…

…you need this book!

Restore My Soul is a must-read for anyone feeling weary and worn out. With 23 concrete, life-changing skills, Janice McWilliams brings her 30 years of experience in the business of soul care to this imminently helpful book.

Using Jesus as a model, her training as a therapist and spiritual director, along with her own life experiences, Janice McWilliams brings us a book that is a road map and a resource; chock full of life-changing skills and practices, and illustrated with evocative stories and carefully explained skills. Discover how self-care can be done moment-to-moment, hour-to-hour, and day-to-day and find the rich and satisfying life that God wants for you.

Janice McWilliams (MDiv, LCPC)

is a psychotherapist in private practice, a certified spiritual director, and a writer. She has nourished her lifelong curiosity about human nature by serving in ministry and organizational leadership and training. Janice’s love of the depths and intrigue of the human experience is matched by her desire to find her place in God’s work of restoring and revitalizing souls everywhere. Her blog promotes spiritual, relational, and psychological transformation.
Find out more at
Janice’s degrees include a master’s in pastoral counseling from Loyola University in Maryland and a Master of Divinity from Howard University.

Order your copy today!


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