I spent a full two minutes observing this pinecone on my walk today. It was beautiful; the contrast between the light tips and the deep brown, the soft smell of piney sap, the surprising tenderness of the scales…I delighted in how DIFFERENT this pinecone looked from anything in Maryland (I’m visiting Idaho).
The Linger Longer Lodge is a favorite stop for us during our summer vacation’s wanderings around Priest Lake, Idaho. What a great name! And such an important invitation for all of us as we are on vacation….to linger longer doing things.
Rush less,
savor more,
soak in deeper….
all of this is why time away and off work is so essential to the best soul restoring rhythms. God wants us to experience being led to green pastures and quiet waters.
So, while you are on vacation this summer….
Linger Longer:
- Reading a book
- Preparing a meal
- Sharing a story
- Watching a sunset
- Observing a bug (or a pinecone!)
- Taking a walk
- Playing a game
Remember, nothing is wrong with moving fast and working hard. It only gets dangerous for us when we don’t ALSO have seasons of SLOW.
So, linger longer, friends! And reap the benefits!
4 Responses
Very nice message and excellent advice! I’m going to “linger longer” with my 16 month old granddaughter this afternoon. She is a delight!!
We were on vacation in Maine a long time ago when our grandson was 5. He sorted and lined up pine cones according to color and size—spending several hours doing it! It was great to watch him being so fastidious!
Great photo and important message! Have a great time and traveling mercies!
This message hit home! I need to purposefully take time to rest and linger in the simple things and in gentle wonder and be at peace doing so.
Yup! The older I get, the more I see the value and need to ‘linger longer’, whether such be for my own mental health or it be for making especially crucial decisions. Thanks for the thoughtful post