I know we are all so sick and tired of hanging out together in our houses we could scream. We longingly remember the fun and fresh diversion of dinners out in restaurants and game nights with the neighbors. The prospect of another evening spent with our spouses has become downright depressing.
Sadly, many couples are coming to counseling more disconnected than ever in spite of living countless hours together! How can we change the momentum? For many couples, doing this is mission critical.
So, how can you and your spouse have a COVID date night that helps you build connection and do something new? I have three recommendations:
- The Gottman Love Decks app is a wonderful resource for a COVID Date night. It has “card decks” with open-ended questions that lead to fresh conversations. My husband, Dan, and I have spent really nice evenings over a glass of wine having conversations we would never think to have without the prompts. Try the “Date Night” deck!
- Turn off the TV and have a game night with your spouse. Wait, don’t discount this idea! While it is so hard to choose a game over the magnetic pull of your couch, please TRY IT! Dust off old faithfuls that work well one on one: Scrabble, Yatzee, Bananagrams, Gin, Backgammon, Chess……I’ve never regretted choosing to spend and evening like this with Dan.
- Do some of the exercises in my Marriage Check-Up course! It walks you through evaluating your marriage through the lens of the “Foundation of Goodwill” and then offers scalable activities to strengthen your chosen area. You can approach it playfully or more seriously, depending on your motivation and energy.
I hope that some of you will post additional ideas in the comments below!
Whatever you choose, I hope that the concept of Date Night doesn’t remain dead
until the pandemic ends. You have far too much to lose. “
2 Responses
Thanks Janice. I will try the Gottman app.
We’ve enjoyed reading to each other. We have done CS Lewis’, “the Magician’s Nephew” and are now reading the “Boy in Striped Pajamas”
also took a car ride, just to get out. Got milkshakes and drove around looking at lights and listening to music or even a Podcast we like.
All excellent ideas! Ty for your continued service to the health and vitality of our marriages.
God Bless,