Why My Book Will Help Most Anybody

You’re very “on-trend” if you’re talking about self-care these days.  Trouble is, I’m finding that most people are approaching self-care in a way that doesn’t really impact their hour-to-hour,  day-to-day life enough to really impact their mental health. Things like spa days, new eating programs, marathon training and Netflix binge weekends are all wonderful in their own ways, but often don’t have the impact we want in our overall lives. Why? Because our day-to-day life that we resume after the self-care attempt isn’t working. 

When our occasional stop-gap attempts at self-care are like this, they function as recovery instead of replenishment. In Restore My Soul, I reimagine self-care as something we can learn to integrate into our hours and days so that our weeks and months wind up feeling better. This is the best way to impact our overall well-being. Consider these examples:


I have yet to discuss this with someone who didn’t wind up discovering some way they could benefit from this reframe. I’ll leave you with this thought from chapter one of my book:

“When we practice life-sustaining self-care, we feel capable of moving fast and slow. We know how to rest and how to press hard. We’ve learned what adjustments we need to make to move through seasons of intensity, struggle, and ease. We know how to develop rhythms in our days, weeks, months, and years. We can experience the range of emotions without becoming overwhelmed, and we know how to address unhelpful thought pat- terns. Ultimately, when we know how to deal with ourselves well hour by hour and day by day, we are far less likely to struggle week to week and month to month.”

6 Responses

  1. This is so on point Janice! Just love the way you express the need to truly know thyself in order to care for self.

  2. Hi Janice,
    Congratulations! Reading through the information you sent Larry about the message in your book, it seemed to ring true to me as I seek God’s path for me at this time. It resonates with my need to patiently allow God to heal me daily from my recent heart attack and seek His path of service for me as I regain strength. I know daily self care and heeding God’s direction in my work will make it sustainable wether it be here, the Ukraine, and/or elsewhere. I look forward to reading your book for further insights to help me on my way.
    Ginni Cook

  3. I love this post, Janice! You’re absolutely right – it’s essential to approach self-care in a way that is truly meaningful. I worry sometimes that self-care has become the latest “buzz word” in our busy world. Sounds like your book is approaching self-care not as an “escape,” but a way of life. This might be harder to achieve than just “checking out” now and then, but no doubt it will be more meaningful. I can’t wait to read your book!

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