I spent last weekend with three of my best friends from college. It’s been 14 years since the four of us have been together and my, my, my but my friends have aged well!
I don’t mean looks. Although, my friends are stunningly attractive at 54. But there was something qualitatively wonderful about each of them that I think only comes with age. We all noticed:
- We were more at peace with ourselves.
- All of us seemed “over it”, each in our different ways.
- We were more solid and grounded.
- All of us had really life-giving marriages.
- Each of us had done key things to nurture our faith over the years and it looked REALLY different for each of us.
I was surprised to find myself cheering for the benefits of aging as we laughed and listened and talked and talked and talked.
At 54 the edges have softened on our egos, we are far more at peace with our failures, and more amused with our idiosyncrasies that make us individuals.
For all the losses that aging brings, the benefits should be celebrated more!
11 Responses
I am much more mindful of enjoying the process than the end result. It is in the process that I learn and grow the most.
I see how fleeting life can be so today is what counts. I try to use it wisely.
Good word!
I no longer sweat the small stuff!
I no longer count the insignificant things. If I don’t hear from a friend after a period of time, I don’t wait for he/she to call me, I just reach out!
That’s wonderful!
At age 70, I get my max social security check every month AND don’t ever have to go to jury duty.
Does it get any better than that????
I’m more focused on just serving and contributing than on succeeding or being seen for what I bring.
All four of you have life-giving marriages … to me that’s big … as in a world where fewer people get and stay married … and that doesn’t mean that those who are married have a “life-giving” marriage … it is pretty remarkable, in and of itself.
Also, the term “life-giving marriage” is a great term.
BTW, be an old man of 55, life gets even better over the next year …
Janice & friends, I’m 77 and my partner (who is 80) is “the best overall boyfriend” I have ever had! We met in exercise class almost 4 years ago, and are learning, growing and having fun whenever we’re together. I’m a couples coach/therapist, and the most important lesson I learned from my former husband’s death is to STOP being so nit picky, and let the little things GO.
Being more connected to this promise from Psalm 73 “My flesh and my heart may fail but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” I can accept limitation and the love of God at the same time much easier.
Reading this was the best way to start my day.