My little booklings are finding their ways to their new mamas and papas!
And it is a bit unnerving! As Restore My Soul journeys out into the world and into the hands of wonderful folks like you, I have a lot of things running around in my imagination…
- Is my book sitting in someone’s pile of mail on a table in a kitchen, waiting to be opened?
- Is there someone sitting with a nice cup of coffee reading my book at this very minute?
- Did it get stuck on a bookshelf where it will sit for a year before the owner touches it again?
- Are there copies of my book, riding around in people’s shoulder bags, waiting for their owner to have a few minutes to read?
- Did anyone out there thumb through it, dismiss it, and toss into a recycling bin???
My best response to my wild and oftentimes unhelpful imagination is similar to my best response when it comes to launching my flesh children: pray for my own heart as I pray for them and be as supportive as is appropriate along the way.
WHAT’S HELPFUL NOW for getting the word out about Restore My Soul?
- Follow me on Instagram (@janicemcwilliams) if you have an account please–helps me seem more legit on that platform to have more followers.
- Post a photo of yourself with the book on social media–as I’ve been watching folks do this, there is almost always a comment below a post like this with someone saying they are going to buy the book–someone outside my circles, so it really does help!
A series of short videos where Barbie (yes, the doll) is learning the lessons of soul-restoring self-care that I will be posting on social media just after Thanksgiving. I hope you will all find yourself laughing at these funny, homemade gems! Your likes, shares and re-posts will be helpful when the videos come out.

5 Responses
The book is very helpful as one can relate to the scenarios of those in the book. As one who looks to the past as “the good ole days” your tips are very helpful
Thank you
I’m so glad you are finding it helpful! and my, do I relate! I love me some good ole days!
Booklings….a very cute term. But these are more like IEDs – small, perhaps unnoticed on that bookshelf – but with a powerful but POSITIVE!!! impact when you pick them up. Perhaps that is an overly scary term, especially to returning vets, but this is not a baby book, waiting to grow up. It’s a large turkey, roasted and ready to nourish and satisfy. [Am I mixing metaphors? Is it Thanksgiving yet?]
I just finished the book and I loved it! It is exactly what I needed to evaluate and reframe my daily life struggles, with all the tools and encouragement I need to take impactful steps towards a more fulfilling life.
I’m so glad that you loved it! Thank you for taking the time to comment and let me know.